Funding Pathway

The Funding Pathway

The FundingWorx pathway provides a 3-Tier Funding process developed with your charity in mind.

Funding Pathway

Tier 1: Building an Organisation and Project Brief

It's all about you. You are the expert in you. You know your projects and you know your charity better than anyone. We want to make sure that everyone else can understand how brilliant you are and have that written down in a way that anyone can understand.

By running a workshop with your key project workers and senior leaders, we will ask lots of questions to tease out the need you have identified, the activity you are a going to undertake to meet that need and then explore the outcomes to ensure that funders fully understand the difference they will help you make.

We will then take all you have said and work with you to first write up an ‘Organisation Brief’ which explains your charity’s core information which doesn’t change from project to project and then individual Project Briefs’ which represent your project in a clear and concise manner, with (where possible) research to back up your way of working and evidence of the difference you will make.

When we are finished you will be left with a project brief, ready to pull off the shelf when the perfect funder comes along.


Tier 2: Grant Match

Once you know what it is you wish to fund, FundingWorx can link your projects with potential funders.

Using our ever-growing database of funders and trusts, we will match you to those grant makers who best fit your project brief.

We want to make sure you apply to funders who are interested in what you do. We want to make sure you don’t get trapped chasing funding that draws you away from your core mission.

We will leave you with a list of grants, foundations and trusts, their details and criteria so that you have all you need to make winning bids!


Tier 3: Grant and Trust Submission

Once you have a clear Organisational and Project Brief that explains all you plan to do, and a list of grant funders to apply to, you are ready to start applying.

Having gone through tier 1 and 2, we know from experience that you will now have everything you need to submit applications to trusts for as long as your project remains the same.

We don’t want charities to be dependant upon us to make their grant submissions…this isn’t an empowering model of working!

However…we are on hand to provide extra capacity where this might be required. Working in partnership with your fundraising team of project leaders, we will make sure that the funding pipeline stays full whether you need our support for 1 hour a month or 1 day a month.


Gateway Evaluation Points

At each stage along the pathway we want you to feel free to evaluate the journey so far.  It might mean that you choose to continue, to pause work or even feel you have everything you need.  We understand that each charity works in different ways, has varied priorities but also limited resources.  FundingWorx Pathway will fit into your journey, however short or long that may be.

Each Tier described above is unique in and of itself but also works together as a full grant funding solution.  You can ask us to join us on your journey for one section or all three, to write up briefs for multiple projects, or just focus on one.

Each Gateway provides you with an opportunity to pause and decide on your next steps.

Ultimately, this has to work for you and your charity… you are after all, the expert in you!

Funding Pathway

Book a free consultation

Are you looking for grant funding for your charity? Need advice on the grant application process? Book in a free consultation with our funding experts today.

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